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In the seventh part of our annual "retrospective" series, PERILAXE OCCLUSION's mastermind XT shares his thoughts about the recently released demo "Raytraces Of Death". Check the other already published pieces of our retro blogposts by clicking on the band name: THE AMENTA, AARA, FORHIST, ANARKHONINFERNO & WHITE WARD.

PERILAXE OCCLUION's first demo "Exponential Decay" created a buzz in the Death Metal underground. The idea to combine old school as well as modern Death Metal sounds with conceptual thoughts about Death, computers and 3D rendering rightfully raised more than one eyebrow. In 2021, PERILAXE OCCLUSION unleashed their second demo, "Raytraces Of Death", on which they present three compositions of pure rasterized Death Metal which are as dark and heavy as can be.

"Raytraces Of Death" sends shivers down one's spine, as DMP's Jonathan notes:

"The three long compositions present on "Raytraces Of Death" highlight the possibility to stay true to the roots of Death Metal, work within its typical framework and yet create a unique signature sound. For that, PERILAXE OCCLUSION subtly introduce some new and rare elements to the formula as well as work with different guitar arrangements as it is usually done in the Death Metal context. Their interest in pushing the musical boundaries of the genre is combined with conceptual, lyrical, and visual experiments (there is meaning behind the way the visuals of the CD are done and structured). The result is crushing, blasting, monstrous, ballsy and sends shivers down one's spine, to just quote a few adjectives present in various reviews about "Raytraces Of Death". Just listening to 'Incalculable Thresholds' with its cavernous vocals, the brutally on point drum work (XE is a beast behind the drum kit), the traditional Death Metal riffs and the calm eerie passage beginning around minute 03:28 shows what PERILAXE OCCLUSION offer and what one may expect from a coming full-length album. And indeed, for those who are not sure if their ears are telling them the truth – the two guys behind PERILAXE OCCLUSION used a cello on "Raytraces Of Death"!"

XT found the year 2021 to be an extremely productive one:

"2021 has been exceptionally kind to us. More people are finding our music, and we have been included in many fans' top EPs/Demos of 2021. Necrotic Nick from Thralls of Metal even ranked us at #1! The full demo stream of "Raytraces Of Death" on Debemur Morti's YouTube channel is now by far our most-viewed video. Someone made an unofficial music video to 'Incalculable Thresholds', and the reviews have been positive all around. Very heartwarming stuff to read about.

We recorded a new original song in the middle of 2021, as well as a cover song. The cover song was supposed to be released on Halloween, but the compilation it was planned to come out on ended up being shelved. The original song was released exclusively with Noxious Ruin Magazine, Vol. 4 on cassette. In 2022, the new song will be available on Bandcamp and CD as it will be part of a 4-way split.

As for the future of PERILAXE OCCLUSION: XE, our guest vocalist Ti, and myself have a very busy new year ahead of us. However, the goal is to find free time to write a proper full-length album. Would it be too revealing to say the title and artwork are already complete? It has lit a fire under our asses to get this record done. Scheduling and jobs get in the way, but the ambition is there. 2021 really has been a kind year to us. A huge reason for that is being on Debemur Morti. Getting everything in order this wouldn't have been possible with a label as experienced in this kind of underground extreme music. Keep an eye for more PERILAXE OCCLUSION on the distantly rendered horizon."

The demo can be listened to on Bandcamp as well as on our YouTube channel. It can be ordered via our EU and Bandcamp shops.

Posted on 12-31-2021 | Category: