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2023 Retro – BLUT AUS NORD

2023 Retro – BLUT AUS NORD

"Many and multiform are the dim horrors of Earth, infesting her ways from the prime. They sleep beneath the unturned stone; they rise from the tree with its root; they move beneath the sea and in subterranean places; they dwell in the inmost adyta; they emerge betimes from the shutten sepulchre of haughty bronze and the low grave that is sealed with clay." (H.P. Lovecraft)

In the sixth installment of our retrospective series, we enter a terrifying and enigmatic realm of Lovecraftian horror: the August 2023 release of BLUT AUS NORD's "Disharmonium – Nahab". Our series has so far explored ANARKHON, BACCHUS, AARA, PESTIFER, and ÓREIĐA.

"It's a fascinating and gripping work of Black Metal Art that opens up a vortex only BLUT AUS NORD could let us access. Try not to fall in." (Metal Injection)

2023 marked the arrival of BLUT AUS NORD's latest creation, "Disharmonium – Nahab", a successor to 2022’s haunting "Disharmonium – Undreamable Abysses". Blending esoteric lore with contemporary brutality, BLUT AUS NORD have created another extraordinary example of outsider art via eleven tracks of avant-garde Black Metal and Lovecraftian terror.

Explore the album here and via our YouTube channel:

For a complete sensory experience of Lovecraftian horror, watch the 'Nameless Rites' video, a visual masterpiece by artist Gabriele Panci:

V., the enigmatic and prolific composer behind BLUT AUS NORD, continues to stay in the shadows, but has shared his top 5 albums of 2023:

01. HORRENDOUS "Ontological Mysterium"
02. DHG "Black Medium Current"
03. SÜHNOPFER "Nous sommes d'Hier"
04. LUNAR CHAMBER "Shambhallic Vibrations"
05. GODFLESH "Purge"

"Disharmonium – Nahab" can be purchased via our EUUS and Bandcamp shops.

Posted on 01-03-2024 | Category: Blut Aus Nord