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BLUT AUS NORD unveil video

BLUT AUS NORD unveil video

"I have seen the dark universe yawning where the black planets roll without aim, where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge, or lustre, or name." (H.P. Lovecraft)

Intensely inspired by the recently released "Disharmonium – Nahab", Italian video artist Gabriele Panci has teamed up with BLUT AUS NORD to create a visual interpretation of 'Nameless Rites'. Check the video below:

Gabriele comments on his inspiration for the clip:

"While I was listening to the album, I first started to wonder and then began to imagine what was hidden behind the fog we can see on the artwork. In the video, the viewer will find an explication of what I found and saw when I finally managed to cross the wall of mist…"

Gabriele was also responsible for the clip which accompanied the track 'Tales Of The Old Dreamer' from "Undreamable Abysses", the first installment of BAN's "Disharmonium" series. Watch here!

"Disharmonium – Nahab" is available in various formats via our EUUS and Bandcamp shops.

Posted on 10-04-2023 | Category: Blut Aus Nord