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BLUT AUS NORD – "Memoria Vetusta II" vinyl reissue

BLUT AUS NORD – "Memoria Vetusta II" vinyl reissue

"Music, in my opinion, must be something transcendental that affects the respondent and connects the soul with that which everyday life and the world we endure tries to annihilate." (Vindsval)

After captivating the Black Metal world with seminal and unnerving creations such as "MoRT" (2006) and "Odinist – The Destruction Of Reason By Illumination" (2007), French mastermind Vindsval subsequently looked back to his origins to convey the spiritual essence of BLUT AUS NORD.

Unleashed in 2009, "Memoria Vetusta II", distinctively diverges from its 1996 predecessor "Memoria Vetusta I" while adding the subtitle, "Dialogue With The Stars", as proof of a simple truth: BLUT AUS NORD had no intention of repeating itself – the second installment's nine expansive tracks are possessed of a uniquely ethereal, transcendent and awe-inspiring ambiance.

"Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue with the Stars" is now reissued on transparent sunglass/clear-merge-with-white-pigment vinyl which includes a laser-engraved etching on side Daccompanied by merchandise. Orders are possible via our EUUS and Bandcamp shops. Very few copies of the exclusive DMP 20-Year Anniversary Label Blowout Edition vinyl are still available solely via our EU store.

In a detailed conversation with German webzine, Vindsval discussed the band's evolution from the cacophonous terror of "MoRT" to the melodious richness of "Memoria Vetusta II":

"Basically, we first wanted to detach ourselves from the crazy structures and find our way back to melody, and that was not exactly easy. We were, in terms of the artistic, mental, and physical, completely immersed in this macabre universe from the ground up. Probably it's not exactly easy for the listeners to follow us everywhere, but I can tell you that we, especially I myself, have lived "MoRT". A very strange experience. A truly special album! "Odinist" is a transition. After the extreme, painful experience that the recording of "MoRT" entailed, we had to compose something more melodic, more concrete with simple structures. It was impossible to record "Memoria Vetusta II" right after "MoRT", as these albums ultimately represent two extremes within BLUT AUS NORD. So, we composed "Odinist" as a bridge between these two extremes."

Echoing the sentiments of philosopher Immanuel Kant, who characterized the sublime as a blend of terror and beauty, "Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue with the Stars" fuses frigid severity and melodic elegance. The album features hypnotic Black Metal riffs and pristine clean sections, set against a backdrop of ethereal synths. Piercing blackened screams meld with distant, pagan chants, evoking ancestral spirits, while moments of unblemished beauty induce a profound, meditative trance in the listener. The poignant and evocative cover art by David Cragné further enriches this immersive, transcendental experience.

"BLUT AUS NORD have always been all about atmosphere – sometimes dense and suffocating, sometimes deceptively ethereal, but always deeply affecting." (Metal Injection)

"There is a beauty on "Memoria Vetusta II", but it's intangible. It's not labored or obvious, but it's still present. And for BLUT AUS NORD's chilly and unconventional approach, a vague beauty serves them well." (Metal Sucks)

Though seemingly a labyrinth of surprises and unforeseen pathways, with hindsight the album perfectly fits the tapestry of BLUT AUS NORD's extensive discography. A discerning ear can detect echoes of the grotesque dissonance of "MoRT" within "Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue with the Stars," and there are sections which are clear precursors to the subsequent "777" trilogy. These elements hint at the nascent singular masterpieces BLUT AUS NORD was already subliminally conceptualising during the release of the second installment of the "MV" series.

Listen here:

Posted on 02-02-2024 | Category: Blut Aus Nord