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NIGHTBRINGER – Debut album reissue

NIGHTBRINGER – Debut album reissue

"And from wombs divine shall a new age be born
Oh, Lumial!
Lord of the Burning Aeon! Blessed be thy name!
" ('Caudua Draconis – Azra Lumial')

15 years ago, Colorado Black Metal band NIGHTBRINGER gave birth to their outstanding debut album "Death And The Black Work", a potently hypnotic collection of opulent and aggressive hymns to the Dark Arts.

At the time, renowned site Metal Crypt described the record as:

"A classy aeon of crushing despair highlighted by a freezing guitar sound and big, deep-breathing arrangements that pile atmosphere on top of mood on top of more atmosphere. […] Amid the ever-present wannabes and purveyors of hackwork, NIGHTBRINGER is the real deal."

"Death And The Black Work" is now again available in a definitive triple vinyl format, which includes as a bonus the four NIGHTBRINGER compositions present on the 2005 split with TEMPLE OF NOT, "Rex Ex Ordine Throni".


01. Caput Draconis – Black Saturn
02. Womb Of Nyx
03. Feast Of The Manes
04. Of Silence And Exsanguination
05. The River Lethe
06. Beneath The Sands Of Dudael
07. Caudua Draconis – Azra Lumial
08. The Somnabulist
09. The Nascent Gates Of Twilight And Dawn
10. The Void
11. Mors Philosophorum
12. The Dark And The Silence
13. Vir Sapiens Dominabitur Astris

The two TEMPLE OF NOT tracks from the aforementioned split – which emanate from the minds of NIGHTBRINGER mainstays Naas Alcameth and Ophis – are not included on the vinyl re-release. These are, however, included in the digital version which is included with the vinyl via download code.

Kontamination Design took care of the new layout, while the cover artwork was created by Artem Grigoryev.

Orders are possible via our EUUS and Bandcamp shops. The album will also be released on streaming platforms on July 7th.

Listen to the album here:

Posted on 21-06-2023