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POWER FROM HELL present video

POWER FROM HELL present video

"Beast full of blasphemy
With seven heads and ten horns
Mounted on it, the adorned woman
Behold the mother of abominations

POWER FROM HELL released their seventh album, "Shadows Devouring Light", last September. Ten songs blending the primitive, lo-fi mysticism of Black Metal's first wave, the unearthly melodic conviction of the second wave and the dissonant arpeggiation of modern innovators in a firestorm of rousing, hair-whipping songcraft.

In order to emphasise the atmospheres and concepts within their latest work, the Brazilian band premieres a video for the song 'Mother Of Abominations' – a gloomy, blasphemous hymn befouling all religions' teachings. Watch the clip below:

The live images were captured during the band's October 2022 concerts at The Regent Theatre and The Observatory in California. The clip was created by Jerry Castillo and produced by The Elegy Ensemble.

Composer Sodomic discusses the song:

"Everyone knows the classic concept behind 'Mother Of Abominations' – the archetype of the "Whore of Babylon" in the spiritual and philosophical system called Thelema. But my real intention here was to use this as a backdrop for the relationship between man, life and God, as I do in practically every song on the new album. In this case, the greatest of all abominations, the mother of suffering human beings, would be faith, life itself and the way how men are always using the idea of God as an escape from reality. Of course, I deliberately put some elements of the original idea lying behind this occult concept into the mix, but the focus is always to get the reader/listener to think outside trodden paths. The lyrics on the album "Shadows Devouring Light" feature deeper layers then it seems at first. Sometimes it is necessary to read and reread a few times to get the true message in a song."

In the video clip, the role of the mother of abominations was taken by Jeanelle Mastema. The visual artist is known for unleashing the beast in women (and men) in various ritualistic and truly occult performances. Sodomic comments on the collaboration:

"I met Jeanelle during our US tour in 2018. In 2019, we worked together on the music video for our song "Lucy's Curse" for the first time. I have always been an admirer of her work and performances. For 'Mother Of Abominations' she had total freedom to bring in her ideas, and I knew she would deliver a great performance. Jeanelle is very passionate about what she does, connecting 100 % her mind, body and soul in her performances. She always uses real blood (her blood by the way) and that shows how committed she is to her performances."

"Shadows Devouring Light" is available from our EUUS and Bandcamp shops.

Posted on 06-13-2023 | Category: Power From Hell