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We're closed until May 10 inclusive. You can still place orders but please note that nothing will be processed before we return on May 13.

Almost four months gone without a sign of life from us but we're not dead yet !
To make a long story short, let's say 2010 has definitively been the hardest in the label's history. So be it, that which does not kill us makes us stronger !

We kept quiet but many things happened : some projects were aborted, new ones emerged and the work on pending ones went forward.
Focus !

OCTOBER FALLS : Never reported here but available for the past month is the "A Collapse Of Faith" T-Shirt. Preview is viewable in the [Relics] section. Limited to 30 copies, get yours here.
For those interested in the acoustic path of M. Lehto, OCTOBER FALLS recently contributed "Viima" on the "Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings" compilation released by Prophecy Productions and "Usva" on the "Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer" compilation released by Pest Productions.
Furthermore, the writing process for the follow-up to "A Collapse Of Faith" has started.

BLUT AUS NORD : We have all pieces in hand for the vinyl editions of "Ultima Thulée" and "The Mystical Beast of Rebellion". As a reminder, the second will come with 3 new songs, clocking-in at 37 minutes of freshly-composed hymns to complete the original opus released back in 2001. This MMX version of "The Mystical Beast of Rebellion" will also be released as 2xCD. Both vinyls are going to press in the coming days. The CD version is planned to be released in December. Furthermore, the recording of "777" is almost complete. Expect it out early 2011.

HELL MILITIA : After a short period of unavailability, the Digibook CD of "last station on the road to death" is back in stock. We're still waiting for the band to provide us with the layout for the vinyl edition as well as for new merchandise.

INFESTUS : The now one-man band INFESTUS will release the follow-up to "Chroniken Des Ablebens" under the banner of Debemur Morti Productions. More news shortly.

TENEBRAE IN PERPETUUM : As some of you may have heard already, the Italians, sadly, decided to put an end to the band.