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We're closed until May 10 inclusive. You can still place orders but please note that nothing will be processed before we return on May 13.

Hellz all !!

Quite a lot of things since the last announcement !
Vortex have decided to leave DMP to concentrate on her own works. Anyhow this won't change anything of DMP determination and plans !

I'm very proud to announce you that DMP will be releasing a limited Gatefold 2xLP version of "A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors" from XASTHUR ! The release date is planned for around June/July !! CD version to be released in April by Total Holocaust Records !

A new horde has joined DMP forces today : GLORIOR BELLI is actually working on his first opus that will be unleashed on CD through DMP in some months. More news will be given in time ! As for now you can check their website and order for free their promo, !!! They deserve your support !!!

Dark regards,